Saturday, November 12, 2011


When we return to our poetry
we can feel again
music filters into us
rhythms forgotten
vibrate in our hearts
mist drizzles out of our eyes
our skin; we become damp
we can smell our scent again
we touch others
we allow others to touch us
we listen
Is that you God, Goddess, Buddha, Great Spirit
that whispers
that guides
that breathes in and through us
that leads me to you
you to me
for a moment
before we change
into a mystery
at the end of our poem.....?

Rozanna Landavazo copyright November 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shadorma is a poetic form from Spain. It is a 6-line syllabic poem of 3/5/3/3/7/5 syllable lines respectively. I have been working with this form lately and came up with this.
In a dream
floating on my back
in a pond
lily pads
blanket my body snuggly
drifting to nowhere
Rozanna Landavazo copyright 7/2011

Monday, August 15, 2011


Barbara Meuers: Mississippi River Chronicles Blog

Brown bosomy gurls

in they yellow frilly skirts

jus' groovin'

Rozanna Landavazo copyright 8/2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bruce's Petals

Bruce and Dana

Bruce and Dana were gunned down across the street from us April 11, just a little after midnight.  As Ernie and I were going to bed, I heard his mother screaming in the street so we quickly ran out the door. We took Grandpa and the rest of the family into our home that night because everyone had to be interviewed by the police.  They had no where to go except into the street, into the coldest night of their lives.
The family gave Ernie and I a huge bouquet of white roses and thank you notes signed "we love you." That night was the first time we had met some of them but the rudimentary feelings of love and kindness were flowing from my husband and I that night and my sister said "you were their angels doing God's work" which is so humbling. And still I grieve and cry.

Bruce's Petals

Too soon cut from the stock
A once fresh bouquet
of white roses
surrounded by baby's breath
standing still in a vase

And the rain drops
the next morning
fell like the tears
of your family
that night
only more slowly
glistening, clinging
to branches, the
droplets sparkled in
the sheerness of the air
the sun glared
painfully into this
heavy feeling that
could not rise
to greet this show of

For he executed you
and your lady
He emptied 15
rounds into 
both of you

Your family
flowed into our home
a river of agony
as the rain
misted them
dampening them further

we don't leave
our neighbors
in the rain

A yellow ribbon
went around
the house, the vehicles

a home an hour ago

the police
the detectives
the chaplain
we spent the
night together
we shared
your shock
your horror
your excruciating disbelief
for you were all
bludgeoned with no hope

"Bruce was murdered
Bruce was killed
Someone killed my son"

His mother, his sister, his father
his uncles, aunts, cousins, his grandpa,
his in-laws paced in and out
suffocated by pain
needing air

The killer turned himself in
that night, her ex-husband
of 5 years after following her
to Grandpa and Bruce's home
talked to
them about cheating then
shot them dead

The killer's children numbly suffer
The killed mother's children suffer
All who loved them suffer
All who liked them suffer
All who cared, served, knew, worked with,
laughed with, played with

Bruce's petals are drying
in a bowl
in the sun
along with
our petals
that fell down
that night........

Copyright Rozanna Landavazo 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Poetry comes out of me
Not like from:
Not like to:
Not like a gift tag
but like sweat
from heat
that surges in
arteries, veins
gushing to
the heart
pumped to
the brain
bursting from storage into
a sprinkling of
runes on paper
coerced to
orderly print from
neatly tucked emotions
autographed by
ethnic flavors
perfected, proofed
conditioned like wild hair
clipped literary tendrils
recorded, preserved
exposed, criticized
loved, hated, misunderstood
respected, ignored, forgotten,
from me
to you......

Rozanna Landavazo copyright 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Lunch


Predator sees nest
Screaming seagull sentry dives
Protected this time

Rozanna Landavazo copyright 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


by Dea

I just finished reading "Black Water" last night, by Joyce Carol Oates. The book is a fictionalized truth accounting of the 1969 Chappaquiddick incident from the point of view of Mary Jo Kopechne, the 28 year old woman who died in the car Senator Ted Kennedy drove into the pond. I could not put the book down and read until 2 a.m. The book is incredible because Joyce Carol Oates has a way of writing that puts you right there with the character as she weaves the details of the events that lead to the accident and how Ted Kennedy (R.I.P.) left the scene of the accident and did not report what happened until the next morning. The young woman managed to live for 2-3 hours after he walked away. The story takes place in her mind as she is dying. She was sure he had gone for help and she was waiting for an ambulance. She was pinned in and "the black water filled her lungs, and she died".

Anyway, the story shook me up, horrified me, made me sad, made me mad and I had all sorts of emotions sticking out all over the place in the middle of the night. I tried having some milk, a little peanut butter but all I got was cold feet from prowling around the house grubbing for food.

So there I was staring into our dark bedroom trying to shift my mood. My husband was sleeping soundly, the cat was head butting me, purring very loudly and trying to plant her butt on my face and I am trying to extract myself from the sensation of being in that car.

Yes, I know I should not read these types of books at night but I am on a Joyce Carol Oates trip these days and also finished "Little Bird of Heaven" and am now onto "Gravediggers Daughter". I can only imagine what she must go through writing these books. She writes like Picasso painted.

Then I look at HIM, my warm snuggly, peaceful husband and he looks like my salvation, my hero, my buddy, my unsuspecting warm friend who has no idea his wife is freaked out and on the prowl for comfort. I think I will go for a snuggle. Not so simple.

He is a Viet Nam Veteran and I have learned to approach him with a sneaky kind of stealth. I have learned through the years that if I just wrap my arms around him, he'll throw me off, kick at me or recoil. Like a walleye fish that sneaks up to the bait on a fishing line and tap tap taps the bait and then takes off with it, leaving you to think it was just a current in the water you felt.

Well, that's what I do, I sneak up on him and just barely start the spooning position by keeping a quarter of an inch between him and me and then very carefully I put my great toe out and touch his foot and if he doesn't pull back, I do it again. Oooo la la, it is victory when he rubs my leg with his nice warm foot because somewhere in his sleep conscious he has figured out it is me or the cat.

Ah ha, the gate is open, there I go, full spooning throttle ahead and I wrap around him like an Anaconda (only I can't constrict on this big lug of a guy) (why would I want to) (never know, women can be that way sometimes) (putting on some lipstick, looking harmless one minute and wham knock ya up side the head with a look). (just because). I AM IN. He accepts me and now with his warm cushy butt against my stomach, I get centered and I am not in that car upside down in a pond waiting for someone to save me.
So today we are going for a walk and I told him about my dilemna last night and how I went "snuggle hunting" and how grateful I was that his cushy butt was better than any type of meditation I have ever tried to calm me down. And of course I was rewarded by his response of "geez, geez".

It's good to be married.


He's working tonight.

Think I'll read a magazine.

Monday, February 21, 2011


John Huggins 1990

there's something there
You don't want to see
the dimple in the chin
where the mean hides
or the pain glinting
from the orbs of the eyes
or the promises in the
sweet pungent odor
of freshly rained on pine trees

You try to swerve
You struggle with
your brain tightening
airbags become myths
and you are not saved
You end up in a ditch
or you crash

You make up stories
Turn right, turn left
go east,  go west
You create an angle
with a blind spot
until you comfortably
can't see

You peek at the
shadow slinking away
a blur
a might have
a could of
You pretend doubt
you never knew
never allowed
never to return to.....

Rozanna Landavazo copyright 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Should I

Image by Daniel Austin Hoherd

Should I go into you
your waves
your tide
your ship wrecks
your grit

Should I sit on the beach
in a comfortable chair
and pretend
I'v been there

Should I be a tourist
cover my breasts
with shells and
buy trinkets
that emmulate you

Should I go into your cold
wear your foam
scrape your salt
off of me
when you evaporate

Will I become

Will I be

Will I dissolve
and drown
and atomize
the ethers

Should I .....

copyright Rozanna Landavazo 2011