Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Snake

And it's blame
that snakes its
thready length
around a person's
body, mind, and soul
and when it's nasty
tongue shoots out
the venom paralyzes love
causing retreat to
the shadows or death

And it's blame
that burdens
its owner
its recepient
it is a razor sharp
slash to the
fragile skin of
the spirit

And it's blame
that hides
our sins
from ourselves
and others
blame holds us

Blame is an excuse
not to look
blame becomes
a habit
a way of life
of never seeing
what we do

think about it...

August 2010 Rozanna Landavazo


  1. An seething indictment to a cunning and deceitful liability. A pertinent graphic.

  2. Es más fácil culpar a los demás que asumir responsabilidades. Profunda reflexión.
    Saludos desde la Ciudad de México.

  3. Gracias por sus comentarios. Digo bastante espanol para ser gracioso cuando usted lo oye puedo traducir sus comentarios. Saludos de Washington!
